Too Far Gone - Kesha

Letra Too Far Gone - Kesha

Nothing?s set in stone
Not even the diamond wrapped
Around my finger
We?re only getting older
And holding onto hope it
Only makes it lonelier

Love comes with pain
I don?t know why
My whole life

Too far gone and I'll never come back
Slipping through my fingers
Damn it's going fast
Trying to find some meaning
Something that lasts
Am I missing you
Or am I missing pieces of me
Am I missing you
Or am I missing who I used to be

With this pride I won?t apologize
For how I?m feeling
With this ego I won?t be the only
One that?s bleeding
Maybe all this hate I?m holding
Isn?t helping me but
I?m stubborn, it?s mine to keep

Sometimes I add up all my wasted time
Sometimes I just like seeing
Grown men cry
Think I killed the part of me that I like

Too far gone and I?ll never come back
I wish I never learned that
Nothing really lasts
I?ll never be the same in a world
That?s gone mad
Am I missing you or am
I missing pieces of me
Am I missing you or am
I missing who I used to be
Am I missing you or am
I missing pieces of me

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Too Far Gone

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