Niña (en inglés) - Los Pibes del Tomate

Letra Niña (en inglés) - Los Pibes del Tomate

I'm sorry,
I can't see you saadd..
I can't let you hurt
because i love you and you know...
that i your friend, your confidant
of your ears

But you don't know ,
you talk to me sigh
break me and
steals me the heart,
steals me the heart...
but i can't confession what i feel
because i can't, I have scare...

with this song I wan't to say you that i love you
If you heard that please,
touches the door of my heart.
Come if you love me....
Giiiirl, my love and my friend...

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Los Pibes del Tomate

Niña (en inglés)

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