I'm In The Middle - Cher

Letra I'm In The Middle - Cher

Don't make no difference
If you lay down and cry
You know that you lied to me
And if you come to me with tears in your eyes
Don't say "good-bye", just leave


'Cause I'm in the middle of something
I don't understand
How can my reason for living
Slip right through my hand
I'm in the middle of something
I don't understand
And it looks like I lose again

Don't make no difference
What you think of me
You know that I'm restless and afraid
And if you love me I know that you will see
You can't keep me to the promises that I made


Don't make no difference
What you think about me
After all, you took me for a ride
Now every night with you I still seem to find
I just can't keep you satisfied


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I'm In The Middle

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Letra de la canción I'm In The Middle de Cher. Para más letras de canciones del artísta Cher utiliza nuestro buscador. Letra de I'm In The Middle - Cher.