Another Cinderella Story - Selena Gomez

Letra Another Cinderella Story - Selena Gomez

I heard that you have me with the request.
The least that word on the street
I just do not know what to believe
Why, I was dumb to leave?
I saw you with him today.
The boy who took my place.
You, like so happy with me.
But perhaps that just the way I want it to be.

But this is just another one of these days
The way you've done all this feel so right
So, how do you fit in my arms at night
I remember feeling that the rest of my life

But this is just another one of these days
I can not help but feel a little sad
About you, and I never was
I was peace, but instead he dropped out of the way.

Now it's just another one of these days.

So, tell me what happens next?
Its out of my hands, I think.
I just do not know what to believe.
Why do not you tell me to believe.
Why did you let me leave?
This is not the way it should be.
What's wrong with me?
Why do not you tell me to believe?
Why did you let me leave?
Is that the way to be?

But this is just another one of these days
The way you've done all this feel so right
So, how do you fit in my arms at night
I remember feeling that the rest of my life

But this is just another one of these days
I can not help but feel a little sad
About you, and I never was
I was peace, but instead he dropped out of the way.

Now it's just another one of these days

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Selena Gomez

Another Cinderella Story

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Letra de la canción Another Cinderella Story de Selena Gomez. Para más letras de canciones del artísta Selena Gomez utiliza nuestro buscador. Letra de Another Cinderella Story - Selena Gomez.